Volume ΙΙ - 1948  
Spanakis S.PAPERS AND STUDIES2477 - 4861948Greek
A document of the Venetian Senate concerning the defence of the ‘Kingdom of Crete’ (26 August 1589)
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A letter from the Venetian Senate to the Provveditore Generale of Crete, written in August 1589, is published in the original Italian and in Greek translation. Following the report of the Captain General of Infantry sent to the island, the Venetian authorities recommend that the Provveditore Generale should undertake certain works to improve the island’s defences and military condition. Recommendations cover the subjects of the bombardiers and the military hospital, the maintenance of arms, artillery and gun carriages, nitre production, repair of military accommodation, reinforcement of gate security, provision of a guard at key points, soldiers’ training, renewal of gunpowder, construction of fortifications, cisterns and stores, preservation of hard tack and military provisions.

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