Volume ΙΙ - 1948  
Chatzidakis Μ.PAPERS AND STUDIES2469 - 4751948Greek
Supplementary information on Emmanuel Tzane
Summary PDF
The list of works by Emmanuel Tzane published by N. Tomadakis in Volume I of the Kretika Chronika is enriched with bibliographical material. A few further, less well-known icons by the artist are listed. These are now recognised and housed in the Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum in Berlin, the Oslo National Gallery, the Greek church in Cargese in Corsica, the Hermitage Museum, the Platytera Monastery in Corfu, and various Athens museums including the Byzantine Museum, the Benaki Museum, the Loverdos Museum, the Palace, and the Katsaras, Velimezis, Pamboukis, Arvanitidi, Blessas, Kyriazis, Choremis and Delaportas Collections. A copperplate by Tzane in a 1693 edition is also noted, as are bibliographical references to lost or non-existent works.

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