Volume ΙΙ - 1948  
Laourdas V.BOOK REVIEWS2376 - 3791948Greek
Mylonas G., Athens and Minoan Crete (Athenian Studies Presented to William Scott Ferguson). Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, suppl. vol. 1, Cambridge 1940
Summary PDF
G. Mylonas’ work to determine direct or indirect influences of Minoan Crete on Athenian culture provides an exhaustive examination of the relevant archaeological, linguistic, literary, folk history and religious arguments, in order to prove that no direct influences are substantiated by archaeological finds, pre-Indo-European toponyms, literary sources or religious and other elements. Despite the broad treatment of the subject and the author’s intention to break free of theories tending to reduce the whole of Greek civilisation to the Minoan tradition, his arguments are sometimes regarded as questionable. Certain important mythological and religious elements which appear to have been treated summarily or ignored are also noted.

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