Volume ΙΙ - 1948  
Koukoules F.BOOK REVIEWS2371 - 3761948Greek
Ν. V. Tomadakis, O Iosef Bryennios kai he Krete kata to 1400. Melete philologike kai historike (Josephus Bryennius and Crete circa 1400. A Literary and Historical Study). Athens 1947, octavo, 146 pages
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N. Tomadakis’ study on the Byzantine scholar Josephus Bryennius and his activity in Crete in the late 14th century, when he was sent there as an Exarch of the Patriarchate to defend Orthodoxy on the island, sheds light not only on Bryennius’ ideas and personality but also on the customs and mores of Cretan society. The activity of other contemporary Byzantine clerics is also presented, in order to provide an in-depth examination of the ecclesiastical ferment at the time. However, some information provided by the Byzantine scholar could perhaps be better interpreted. Also, the picture of daily Greek Orthodox life could be supplemented with reference to the customs and mores of other Greek populations of the time, as Bryennius does in his own works.

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