Volume ΙΙ - 1948  
Peruzzi E.MISCELLANIA2368 - 3701948French
Concerning some incomplete groups from Haghia Triada
Summary PDF
A comparison of certain incomplete or illegible groups of Minoan Linear Α characters on tablets from Haghia Triada to known groups from the same area. The groups in question are HT 25 a, HT 55 b, HT 62, HT 115 b and HT 125 b, following G. Pugliese Carratelli’s numbering in his work Le inscrizioni preelleniche di H. Triada (Rome 1945). These are compared to similar groups reproduced in the text. The discussion is based on Carratelli’s photographs and drawings, with reference to his conclusions and those of J. Sundwall in Weitere Bemerkungen zu den H. Triada Täfelchen III (1945).

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