Volume ΙΙ - 1948  
Mertzios Κ. D. PAPERS AND STUDIES2281 - 2971948Greek
New information on Cretans from the Venetian archives. IV. Gerasimos Vlachos
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From the Venetian State Archives are drawn certain documents on the life and actions of the learned cleric Gerasimos Vlachos. These are requests he submitted to the Venetian authorities, originally for a monthly allowance due to his pro-Venetian activities during the siege of Chandax, which he waived a few years later in order to receive the church of Panaghia in Paleopoli, Corfu. With his last request, in September 1673, he obtained a decision for the church to be granted to his nephews Arsenios Kaloudis and Gregorios Vlachos on his death. The requests of Gerasimos Vlachos and the corresponding decisions of the Venetian Senate are published in the original Italian and in Greek translation.

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