Volume ΙΙ - 1948  
Xygopoulos Α. PAPERS AND STUDIES2265 - 2731948Greek
Two Byzantine steatites in Heraklion Museum
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Two small fragments of Byzantine steatite bas-reliefs are preserved in Heraklion Archaeological Museum. The first depicts one of the Saints Theodore, probably Theodore Stratelates, and may be dated on the basis of iconographic type and the saint’s clothing to the early 11th century. The second fragment depicts parts of two representations, the Transfiguration and the Raising of Lazarus. The panel from which the fragment originates must have depicted all the scenes of the Dodecaorton in relief and may be dated, on the basis of iconographic and stylistic criteria, to the mid-12th century. It is probable that both items originated in Constantinople but this cannot be proved for certain.

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