Volume I - 1947  
Platon N.PAPERS AND STUDIES1505 - 5241947Greek
Contribution to the study of Minoan wall painting. The crocus-gathering monkey
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Fragments of painted plaster found during excavations at the Minoan palace of Knossos were used to reconstruct a fresco showing a figure cavorting in a garden and gathering crocuses. Although the head and the upper section of the torso were missing, the figure was believed to represent a young man gathering crocuses. Nevertheless, when compared both with the Knossos frescoes showing blue monkeys and with other archaeological finds, the pictorial rendition and blue skin argue in favour of the hypothesis that it was a crocus-gathering monkey, not a human figure. This solution is rendered in a painting by the artist Thomas Fanourakis accompanying the study. This, it is argued, is more in line with the spirit of Minoan dynamic art.

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