Volume I - 1947  
Platon N.BOOK REVIEWS1450 - 4521947Greek
Const. Dem. Ktistopoulos, A contribution to the problem of the Minoan script, Athens 1945
Summary PDF
Presentation of two studies by Constantinos Ktistopoulos on the Minoan script and language. Credit is given to the author’s attempt to exploit the potential offered by comparative study of Minoan signs with those in the Cypriot syllabary and the alphabets of Egypt, Phoenicia and Greece. However, the association drawn between certain sign groups and place or personal names that are only ostensibly pre-Hellenic is criticized as unsound. This methodological error is compounded in the second study, where appellatives drawn from the languages of ancient lexicographers and the lexicon of certain Oriental languages are included in the interpretive material. However, positive comment is made on certain observations regarding word morphology and the interrelations between Cretan writing systems and the script of mainland Greece.

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