Volume I - 1947  
Platon N.PAPERS AND STUDIES1239 - 2551947Greek
Contribution to the toponyms, topography and history of the cities and fortresses of Crete
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In contrast to earlier theories arguing for the total destruction of the walls at Chandax during its recapture by Nicephorus Phocas, and the lack of fortifications until the town was conquered by Pescatore of Genoa, this paper adduces archaeological data, place names and other testimony to argue that a new enceinte was built at Chandax. The remains of the Arab walls were incorporated into these new defences, which stood throughout the second Byzantine period. Archaeological finds and Venetian historical sources strengthen the case for the existence of a pre-Hellenic city named Balchania or Boukania near Suda, from which the place name Chania may have derived, gaining currency at the time of the Arab conquest.

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