Volume I - 1947  
Platon N.BOOK REVIEWS1201 - 2061947Greek
Giov. Pugliese Carratelli, Le iscrizioni preelleniche di Haghia Triada in Creta e della Grecia Peninsulare, contributo alla storia della civiltà Egea. "Monumenti Antichi" XL (1945) pp. 422-610, Tavole I-XI and Estratto, Roma 1945 (Tipografia d. R. Accademia d’Italia)
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A presentation of Giovanni Pugliese Caratelli’s publication of pre-Hellenic inscriptions from Aghia Triada on Crete and archaeological sites on mainland Greece, published in Rome in 1945. The book promotes understanding of the Minoan script and language, and study into the history of the Aegean civilisation. Among its merits, the reviewer singles out the care taken in copying and sketching, the rendition and study of the inscriptions, the comprehensive bibliography and the unadorned style. Nevertheless, he detects a lack of daring in the interpretive approach to the material and the enumeration of details in a manner that may lead to unsound conclusions.

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